Reasons to Upgrade to Windows 8

Innovation is the name of the game when it comes to technology, this is especially true with Windows 8. Though technology media has been talking a lot about it but there are many consumers who still need to warm up to the concept. If you too are looking for reasons to upgrade to Windows 8 or understand the way you interact with technology then read on to find out why you should upgrade.

New Start Screen

Gone are the days when you used to launch apps and other programs by clicking on the Start Button located on the left hand corner. Now it is replaced by a horizontal bar that contains an entire collection of all the tiles. With just one tap, you can access any menu or app and it is instantly launched on your device.

Another way of launching the items in Start menu is by pressing Win X but this launches only a few items in the menu not all. Additionally, you can swipe and access other features present in the Start menu from left hand side, this way the Charms menu appears. This menu has settings functionality and additional features.

Split Screen

When you are working upon two things at the same time it becomes essential to keep your focus on both the tasks equally. With the older version of Windows it was relatively impossible to keep switching between tabs and keep focus. The new version of Windows has made it possible to view two apps on the same screen at the same time. The Snap apps feature is something that allows a user to view two apps, one on the left one on the right side of the screen. One app is displayed in three quarters while other occupies a smaller size of the screen. If you want to view another app in the larger format then just swipe through and slide it. You can choose to make one app larger over another. Interestingly both apps will be active all the while.

This feature comes handy when you are simultaneously working on two things. For example, if you are working on two documents and want to copy information from one spreadsheet to another you can easily do so. Comparing is now easier with two apps running at the same time. You can even adjust the size of the windows according to your preference. You can be logged into two apps at the same time and easily view both of them.

Picture as Password

We use passwords for system login and to unlock the system, but with Windows 8 you need not do so. You have the option of unlocking your system with picture password. When you attempt to unlock or log into your system you will be given a choice of a picture and by touching the picture in a specific direction or sequence you will be able to unlock the system.

Better System Recovery

If you ever go through a trouble like Windows corrupt in Windows 8 version then you have two options. Either you can refresh or you can reset the system.

If you choose to refresh system even then your settings and personal data are retained as it re-installs the entire Windows 8 again. This is possible as your savings are safe in the system kept in a specific partition on the hard drive. A fresh copy of the system is installed and your data is restored. Additionally, you will get back all your installed apps on the system just the way they were.

The option of Reset will allow a user to start up all over like restoring factory settings. Your data will be wiped off like a clean slate and the system is reinstalled with default settings.

Online Storage

With Windows 8 you have the option of cloud based storage called SkyDrive. This includes pictures, documents and PC settings. You can utilize this service with Windows enabled phone too, this way the copy of your pictures are automatically stored on your SkyDrive account. What makes it easier is the accessibility; you can easily access it from any PC.

Any content stored on your SkyDrive account can be shared across your network.

For all the above said reasons upgrading to Windows 8 for your device or opting for a Windows 8 enabled system will be a good choice.