How to Repair “The Requested Operation Requires Elevation” Windows Error?

Some Windows errors are difficult to deal with while some are easy to repair. For an average computer user, repairing Windows certain errors will be a difficult job, but some errors are simple enough and thus can be repaired through self-troubleshooting. “The requested operation requires elevation” is one such simple error that is easy to repair. It is a very common error so every computer user should know about the technicality of this error as well as its troubleshooting steps.

On this note, this blog explains the error in detail, its reasons of occurrence and the troubleshooting steps.

How Impactful the Error Is?

The error may occur when you run certain Windows Update, Windows Command Prompt, Device Manager, etc. “The requested operation requires elevation” is a simple error, but its impact is quite prominent as it restricts the user from running the requested program/operation. If you have received this error while using Windows Command Prompt or Windows Update or any other Windows program, then you have to fix the error for using the program. Without fixing the error, you won’t be able to use the programs. Thus, all computer users should know the method of troubleshooting this error as that will make computing lot more convenient for them.

Why the Error Occurs?

When you attempt to use Windows critical programs like Windows Update, Windows Command Prompt, and any other programs through which major Windows modifications can get implemented, you need to have admin permissions. Certain programs are restricted for the use of Administrator only so that only an authorized user can make Windows modification. That is the idea of having a separate Administrator account and normal user accounts. All users can’t be allowed to have unrestricted access to Windows core programs because that will be a risk to security.

In a nutshell, you can execute certain programs and operations on a computer only if you are the Administrator of that computer. Being an Administrator, you will have the elevated rights, i.e. admin rights. Once you have the admin rights, you will be able to run the programs like Command Prompt, Device Manager or Windows Update.

But if you attempt to run these programs from a normal user account, then you will not be able to do so, because of the lack of essential elevated, i.e. admin permissions. In that scenario, Windows will stop you by prompting the error “The requested operation requires elevation.” The occurrence of this error simply means that you don’t have the essential permissions to run the requested programs or operations.

How to Troubleshoot the Error?

It is interesting to learn that this error occurs because of a simple technical flaw. Simply by using your administrator account, you can get rid of this error. However, the resolution is not that simple. There are a few more aspects that you need to understand to understand how to repair this error. The troubleshooting steps are mentioned below, but if you find difficulty in understanding the intricacies of the steps mentioned below, then you always have the option of availing online computer repair services. However, you should always contact a reputed tech support service provider to ensure the quality of the service.

Run the Program as Administrator

The prime requisite for resolving this error is that you need to log into your computer from the Administrator account. But if you are using an advanced version of Windows then apart from logging into your computer from the Administrator account, you also need to run the program as Administrator. Running the program as administrator is different from logging into the computer from the Administrator account. In modern versions of Windows, some programs, by default, requires being run as Administrator, even if you have logged into your account from the administrator account. To run a program as administrator is easy and simple. You just need to perform the following steps:

Note: The following steps highlight how to run Window Command Prompt as Administrator. But the same steps are valid for other Windows programs as well.

  • Click the ‘Start’ button.
  • Next, click ‘All Programs.’
  • Now, click ‘Accessories.’
  • In the menu, look for Command Prompt.
  • Right-click on ‘Command Prompt.’
  • From the drop menu select ‘Run as Administrator.’
  • Then, type your administrator login credentials.

With these steps, you can easily run a program as administrator.

Disable the UAC (User Account control)

UAC (User Account control) is the feature that keeps a check on the user account type. It is UAC that identifies your user account type, and the permissions provided by the account. In some computers, especially the office computers, there exist administrator group. An administrator group includes many administrator members. These administrator members do have certain admin rights but not the supreme admin rights. In earlier Windows versions, the UAC used to consider the rights of these administrator members as the valid admin rights. But the UAC of the latest Windows versions such as Windows 7, Windows 8, etc., accepts only the admin rights of the prime Administrator and denies the rights of administrator members. Thus, if you are using an account of administrator member, then also you are likely to receive the error “the requested operation requires elevation.” In such a scenario, you may wonder why you got the error despite using an account of administrator member. It is simply because the UAC of your Windows doesn’t consider your admin rights as the essential admin rights. Here, receiving the error regarding elevated permissions means you need to use the prime Administrator account and not just any administrator member.

But, if it is necessary to have more than one administrator accounts in any particular computer, then the only way of getting rid of this error is to disable the UAC. To disable the UAC, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Click on Start button
  • Then, click ‘Control Panel.’
  • Click on ‘User Accounts and Family Safety’ option.
  • Click on ‘User Account.’
  • Then, click on ‘User Account Control Setting.’

Here, you can see a moving slider. Now, slide the bar to extreme low level till you reach ‘Never Notify.’

With these steps, the UAC will get disabled. A disabled UAC won’t be able to identify whether you are the prime Administrator or just an administrator member. Thus, you won’t receive any error.


It is a mandate to have the Administrator login credentials to resolve the error. If you have this administrator login credentials, then you can simply need to log into your account from the Administrator account. Then, you need to run the program as administrator. If the problem still prevails, then you need to disable the UAC. The article has described all the steps, but if you still have any difficulty in performing the steps, then dial to a reputed computer support firm. By availing online computer repair services, you can get your problem resolved from highly experienced tech support professional.

How to Fix the “The Requested Operation Requires Elevation” Error?

Sometimes, when you try to install a new software on your Windows computer, you might fail in the process because of the error “The requested operation requires elevation.” It is an error of permission that means the error occurs when you as the user don’t have the appropriate permissions to perform the installation process. In this article, you will read more about this error and learn how you can repair it. The Requested Operation Requires Elevation,

As it is a permission error, so the error can occur under a different scenario, and not just during the installation of software programs. You also hold the chances of getting this error while doing Windows configuration alteration, setting modifications, software deployment, commands execution in CMD prompt, software removal, etc.

The repairing method of the error will appear very simple once you will understand its causes. As mentioned above, it is a permission error. So, to get rid of the error, you simply need to have the right permissions. Once you have the right permissions, the error will automatically get repaired.

Cause of the Error

The Requested Operation Requires Elevation

As you can read the error, “the requested operation requires elevation” talks about elevation. Here, elevation means ‘elevated rights.’ Elevated rights also mean admin rights. In Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8, certain operations are executable only if you have the admin rights. A few such operations are software installation, software removal, commands execution, settings modification, etc. From a normal user account, you can’t perform these operations as these operations are likely to make major modification on your Windows. That is why such modifications are permissible only on an Administrator account.

Troubleshooting the Error

Login from the Administrator Account

If you are attempting to perform these operations from a normal user account, then you need to log into your computer as Administrator and then try performing the operations once again. This time you shouldn’t get the error.

Run the Program as Administrator

However, sometimes just logging into the computer from the administrator account is not enough. In addition to that, you also need to run the program as Administrator. Running a program as Administrator and logging into the computer as Administrator is two different things. Sometimes, to acquire the elevated permissions, you need to perform both the steps.

Disable the UAC (User Account Control)

Sometimes, especially in case of a shared computer, there exists an ‘Admin Group.’ The group includes many users as ‘Admin members.’ These Admin members have some of the admin rights but not all. Till Windows XP, it was possible to repair the error “the requested operation requires elevation” even from an Admin member account.

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But the UAC of Windows Vista and above versions doesn’t consider the admin rights of Admin member as the elevated rights. Thus, if you attempt to perform certain operations from an Admin member account, then also you will get this permission error. In case you are using Windows Vista and above versions, then you strictly need to use the Administrator account.

But, if you want a group of users to have the admin rights, then you have to get the UAC disabled. UAC is the Windows feature that identifies your user type and its respective permissions. A disabled UAC won’t be able to distinguish between an admin member and the ‘Administrator,’ and thus it will not restrict the user with this error.

To disable or turn off the User Access Control (UAC), you can avail online computer support help. Dial a reputed tech support firm and an experienced technical support engineer will be ready 24x 7 to repair the error. However, even to disable the UAC, the tech support engineer will require the admin rights.

Thus, you need to provide the technical support engineer your admin login credentials, and then he or she will execute the following steps to disable the UAC.

  • Click the ‘Start’ menu.
  • Open ‘Control Panel.’
  • Navigate to ‘User Account.’
  • Then, click the link for ‘User Account Control’ settings.
  • In the ‘User Account Control Settings’ dialog box, you will see a control level.
  • Now, drag the control level to ‘Never Notify.’
  • Next, click ‘OK.’
  • That will disable the UAC.


It is a minor error because it doesn’t refer any technical flaw on your computer. Various other errors often result because of hardware issue or software issue, so it is not very tricky to repair the error. All you need is the administrator login credentials. Normally, you should not need any professional computer support to resolve the error. However, if disabling the UAC is appearing difficult to you, then you can go for online tech support help and get the error repaired easily.

Tech Support Tips to Fix the Error “The Requested Operation Requires Elevation” Error

“The requested operation requires elevation” is a common Windows error that might hit you while you are up to some serious tasks like software installation or software deployment. The web carries many interesting software applications, and you might feel like downloading and installing them on your computer help,

In general, before installing a software application, a user conducts some online research to understand the usability and advantages of that particular software. When he is well convinced that the software is helpful, then he proceeds towards installing the same. After making all these efforts, what if all of sudden he gets the error “The requested operation requires elevation”? He will certainly fail to complete the software installation process, and that turns annoying. The user gets confused on realizing why he couldn’t install the software and what kind of elevated permissions are referred by the error.

If you can relate yourself to this hypothetical user, then you too must be looking forward to solutions. Before you call a tech support firm seeking online computer help, you must learn the cause of the error. On that note, this article explains the cause of the error as well as the troubleshooting tips for it.

What is the “The Requested Operation Requires Elevation” Error?tech support

It is a permission error that crops up when you attempt to perform certain operations on your Windows without having the requisite permissions. To perform operations on a Windows computer, you need to have the authority to do so. Windows permissions are integrated on your user account. For instance, if your user account is not set to install software programs, then Windows will read you as an unauthorized user. It will take you as a user, who doesn’t have the permissions to install software programs. In such a scenario, you will get this permission error.

You can also get this error in association with various other error messages such as software installation failure, software deployment status, network path not found, etc. Usually, to perform operations like software installation, network modification or software deployment, you need to have admin rights. Thus, if you have received this error, then most likely you are using a normal user account that doesn’t have admin rights.

How to Fix “The Requested Operation Requires Elevation” Error?

Login as Administrator or Run as Administrator

The Requested Operation Requires Elevation

As mentioned above, to perform operations like software installation, network modification or software deployment, you need admin rights. To acquire admin rights, you need to login to your computer with a user account that is either the default Administrator or a member of the Administrator group. That is because Admin privileges are available only to the default Administrator or to those user accounts that are members of the Administrator group.

If you are using a normal user account, then switch to a user account, which is a member of the Administrator account. Now, try performing the requested operation. This time you shouldn’t get the error. However, sometimes, despite using a user account from Administrator group, you might still get the error. That happens because of the UAC.

Disable User Account Control (UAC)

UAC only accepts the admin rights of the default Administrator as the elevated rights. That means if you are using a user account that is just a member of the Administrator group but not the default Administrator, then UAC will not consider your account’s rights as elevated rights. As a result, it will flash this permission error, which means you need to login from the default Administrator account.

However, if you don’t want UAC to keep a check on your user account type, then you can disable the UAC. For that, you can dial to a tech support firm and get help from a computer support specialist. Once, the tech support engineer will disable the UACthe Windows will not be able to create a disparity between a normal user account and an Administrator account. Thus, you will not get the error.

However, even to turn off the UAC, the computer support specialist will require the Administrator password. That is because, from a simple user account, it is not possible to disable the UAC.


To perform certain operations on Windows, you need admin privileges. If your user type doesn’t have the admin privileges, then you will receive this permission error. Thus, to get rid of this error, either you need to login to your default Administrator account or get the UAC disabled. To get the UAC disabled, you can seek online computer help. You should either go online to find these steps or dial to a tech support firm.

Can Tech Support Easily Fix The Requested Operation Requires Elevation?

Getting the “The requested operation requires elevation” error on a Windows computer is not surprising. There are various scenarios in which you can come across this error. For instance, the error might occur while using the Windows Command Prompt or the Windows Update Center. In this blog post, you will get information about the intricacies of this error in detail. After that, you will also learn the troubleshooting tips that will help you in fixing the error.

Understanding the Error Technical support, 

Technically, the error “The requested operation requires elevation” is not a very complex error, as it is a simple permission error. The error occurs when you attempt to perform certain Windows operations without appropriate permissions or rights.

You probably know that in Windows, you have one Administrator account and standard user accounts. The Administrator account has special privileges and rights. Certain operations are executable only if you have the Admin rights, also known as privileged rights. Running network commands or making Windows OS modifications are some such operations for which privileged/admin rights are mandatory.

Why Elevation is Necessary for Executing Certain Operations?

Security is the main reason for setting this mandatory bar. Otherwise, any standard user would have been able to change the critical settings and configuration of a computer. Thus from the security perspective, Windows have limited the rights to certain operations to the Administrator only. Before making any important changes in the Windows OS, the user needs to authenticate himself as the Administrator. For that he needs to enter the Administrator login credentials. Then, UAC (User Account Control) identifies your account type, and accordingly permits or restricts you from performing your requested operation.

Computer Support Troubleshooting Tip 1: Run as Administrator

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If you login to your computer using the standard user account and then attempt to perform those operations that require privilege operations, then UAC will restrict you with this error. Thus, on receiving this error, there are two simple things you can do to fix the error:

  • Log out from the standard user account and login to your computer with the Administrator account.

If you don’t want to log out from the standard user account, and still want to acquire the admin rights, then perform the following steps:

  • Go to your system’s desktop, and select the program you want to run.
  • Right-click on it, and select ‘Run as Administrator.’
  • Now, type your Administrator login credential and you will get the admin rights for running only that particular program.

Computer Support Troubleshooting Tip 2: Disable UAC

An operation or program that requires elevated rights always has to be run as Administrator, and for that you will always require typing your Administrator login credentials. However, if you are the only user of the computer or share it with only trusted peers, then you can try out a tricky troubleshooting tip. The tip is to disable the UAC. As mentioned above, UAC is responsible for identifying your account type. Thus, if you disable UAC on your computer, then there will be no one to distinguish between if you are an Administrator or a standard user. However, you should disable the UAC, only if you know that your computer is safe and will not get illegitimately accessed. If security is not a concern for you, then you can avoid keeping separate accounts for the Administrator and standard user.

How to Disable UAC?

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Disabling the UAC is a bit complicated task. If you are just an average computer user, then it’s better not to self-perform it, rather go for online technical support services. The tech support expert will help you in getting the UAC disabled. However, the process of disabling UAC requires the Admin login credential for once.

The computer support expert will perform the following steps to disable the UAC:

  • Go to ‘Start’ button and click it.
  • Click on ‘Control Panel.’
  • In the search box, type ‘UAC.’
  • Then, click ‘Change User Account Control settings.’
  • Move the slider to the ‘Never notify position,’ to turn off the UAC.
  • Then click ‘OK.’
  • When prompted, type your Administrator password.
  • Now, restart your computer, and UAC will get turned off.


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With these steps, the tech support engineer will disable the UAC, and then technically you shouldn’t get the “The requested operation requires elevation” error while executing any operation on Windows. However, disabling the UAC is not a right move from the security perspective. Thus, it is advisable to use the ‘Run as Administrator’ option. In the bottom line, you can’t fix this error without using the Administrator login credential. And if you have the Admin login credential, then fixing this error is not an issue.

Technical Support Troubleshooting Tips to Fix the Error “The Requested Operation Requires Elevation”

Windows is certainly one of the best computing platforms. But it is also true that over Windows platform, you can easily come across an error. Corrupted Windows Registry, overcrowded registry entries, malware, viruses, permission issues and many other causes lead to different types of errors. ‘The requested operation requires elevation’ is a common Windows error that crops up when you use the command prompt.

If you are struggling with this error, then this blog will help you in learning some useful computer support tips that will help you in getting rid of the error.

Understanding the Errorcommand prompt

Before you learn the tips, it is imperative for you to understand the cause of the error. The error is a permission error. It occurs while you use the Windows command prompt. Over the Windows environment, there are certain commands that are executable only from the elevated command prompt. If you try executing these commands from the standard command prompt, then will get restricted with the error ‘the requested operation requires elevation.’

The error clearly signifies that you need to elevate your account type of command prompt to run the request on command or operation. Thus, if you are log in from a standard user account, then your command prompt will not have the administrative privileges. To get the admin rights, you need to log in with your Administrator’s account.Technical Support

Thus, to use the elevated command prompt, it is essential that you should have Administrator’s login credentials. It is not essential that you have to log out from your standard user account, and then log into your Administrator account. Even if you are using the standard user account, you can launch the elevated command prompt. However, even to do that you need to have the Administrator’s password.

Following are some of the useful computer support tips that will help you in launching the elevated command prompt:

Technical Support Tip 1: Run as Administrator from Shortcut

  • Click the ‘Start’ menu
  • Select ‘All Programs.’
  • Then type ‘Accessories.’
  • You should be able to see shortcut labeled ‘Command Prompt.’
  • Right-click on it.
  • Next, select ‘Run as Administrator.’
  • Next, a ‘User Account Control’ prompt will appear.
  • Here, you need to click ‘Yes’ so that the Command Prompt can make changes on your computer.
  • That will open the ‘Elevated Command Prompt’ as shown below:


Technical Support Tip 2: Use ‘Ctrl+Shift+Enter’ to launch Cmd.exe

  • Click on the ‘Start’ menu
  • In the search field, type cmd
  • Then press the ‘Ctrl+Shift+Enter’ keys on your keyboard
  • It will open a prompt of ‘User Account Control’ asking your consent
  • Then, click the ‘Yes’ button to launch the Elevated Command Prompt

Technical Support Tip 3: Create a Shortcut for Elevated Command Prompt

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If you require using the elevated command prompt often, then you can try this easier way of launching it. The quickest way to access the elevated command prompt is to create a shortcut on your desktop. To create the shortcut, perform the following steps:

  • Click on the ‘Start’ menu.
  • Then, select ‘All Programs.’
  • Next, select ‘Accessories.’
  • Here, you will see a shortcut labeled ‘Command Prompt.’
  • Right-click on it, copy it and paste it
  • Then, select ‘Pin to Taskbar.’
  • That will create the shortcut for Command Prompt.
  • Right-click on it.
  • Then, select ‘Properties.’
  • In the properties screen, click the ‘Shortcut’ tab.
  • Then, click the ‘Advanced’ button.
  • That will open the following screen.
  • Here, tick the box labeled ‘Run as administrator.’
  • Then, click the ‘OK’ button.
  • Click ‘OK’ button one more time to exit from the shortcut’s properties.
  • Now, whenever you need to use the shortcut, just double-click on it
  • It will automatically run the elevated Command Prompt.


With these computer support tips, you have learned how to run the elevated command prompt so that you can run your commands without facing the error ‘the Requested operation requires elevation.’ You can get rid of the error, even by disabling the UAC (User Account Control.) But, keeping it disabled is not a good idea from security’s perspective. Thus, whenever you receive the referred error, it is better to use the elevated command prompt by using the tech support tips mentioned above.

Computer Support Troubleshoot Tips: Resolve the Error “The Requested Operation Requires Elevation”?

When you try to deploy a new software on your computer, your Windows might restrict you from doing so by flashing an error “the requested operation requires elevation.” Software deployment failure takes place because of this error, which is an error of permissions.

This error simply means that you don’t have the permissions to deploy or install the software on the computer. To understand more about this error and to learn the computer support tips for troubleshooting this error, you should continue reading this blog.

Cause of the Error

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In Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, by default, certain applications are set to run as a “User” and not as an “Administrator.” Similarly, another set of applications are set to run as “Administrator” and not as “User,” by default. Thus, software deployment or any kind of changes with software configuration and settings is permissible only if your account has the right protocol of permissions. Alternation to the settings of some software might be permissible even from a user account while to do the same with some other applications, you might specifically require administrator permissions.

Thus, each software application is bound to its default protocol of permissions, until and unless you have changed the default settings. If a certain program is set to run with administrator permissions, but you try to mess up with the settings of that software with your user account, then you will get permission errors.

You can blame UAC for creating these errors. UAC or Advanced User Access Control is a feature integrated into modern Windows operating systems. This feature is responsible for keeping a check on whether or not you have the valid permissions for software deployment. If you are using the user account and trying to install software that requires Administrator permissions, then UAC’s job is to stop you from doing the installation.

Computer Support Tips to Resolve the Error

If you are not able to complete software deployment because of the error “the requested operation requires elevation,” then you can try out the following technical support tips. The occurrence of this error is a byproduct of your operating system’s default behavior. Thus, to overcome this error, you need to disable the UAC. That is because UAC is the feature that identifies whether you are a normal user or an administrator.

If you are amenable to learn how to disable the UAC, then try the following online tech support tips.

  1. Use the Default Administrator Account

The first option is to use the Default Administrator Account that has the requisite permissions. Log out of the user account and then log in from the administrator account. Now, try deploying the software or any changes to its configuration and it will get easily deployed.

  1. Turn off User Access Control (UAC)

Find below the easy computer support tips to turn off UAC:

  • If you are using Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2, then perform the following steps:

o   Select Control Panel

o   Navigate to User Account

o   Click on User Account Control Settings link

o   That will open the User Account Control Settings dialog box

o   The dialog box will have a control level.

o   Here, drag the control level to ‘Never Notify.’

o   Then click ‘OK.’


  • If you are using Windows Vista and Windows 2008, then do the following steps:

o   Select Control Panel

o   Navigate to User Account

o   Click on ‘Turn User Account Settings On or Off link.’

o   Now, uncheck the option for “Use User Account Control (UAC) to protect your computer.”

o   Then click ‘OK.’

o   Finally, close the ‘Control Panel’ dialog box.

o   After disabling the UAC, restart the computer to bring the changes into effect.


You might come across the error “the requested operation requires elevation” in various situations such as software installation, apps configuration alteration, software deployment, software removal, etc. Whenever, there will be permissions miss-match, UAC will restrict your requested operation within the Windows by flashing this error. To overcome any such situation, you can use the technical support tips mentioned above for disabling the UAC and continue with your software deployment job without facing the permission errors.